Are you new here?
Our team is made up of independent contractors, which means each stylist and technician sets their own schedule and manages their own bookings. Scheduling directly with them is the best way to find an appointment that fits your needs.
How to book with us
Step One
Start by browsing our team profiles to find the stylist or technician who offers the service you need and feels like the right personality fit. Click on their "About..." button to see their bio, portfolio, and a link to their booking site.
Step Two
Inside each team member’s profile, you’ll find a "Book Online" button. Clicking it will take you directly to their booking page. These sites are user-friendly: just choose your service, pick a date, and then select a time that works for you.
Step Three
Once you finish booking, the team member will be notified, and you're all set! We’re thrilled to welcome you and look forward to your visit.